North Coast Opportunities, Inc. (NCO) is a Community Action Agency that primarily serves the populations in Lake and Mendocino Counties. In addition, we have a few programs that provide specific services in Humboldt, Sonoma, Del Norte, Napa and Solano Counties. NCO was established in 1968 as part of President Johnson's War on Poverty, with the mission of assisting low-income and disadvantaged people to become self-reliant. NCO employs approximately 250 people, has an annual budget of approximately $33 million, and has successfully managed major grants from federal, state, and foundation funders.
North Coast Opportunities is a proud member of the Community Action Partnership network, a national, 501(c)3 nonprofit membership organization that provides technical assistance, training, and other resources to Community Action Agencies, nonprofit and public groups funded by the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG), a federal program that allocates funding to states to connect Americans to greater opportunity.