This is an exciting and rewarding mentoring program that will provide participants with hard and soft job skills in general construction and job readiness to retain long-term employment. Because spaces are limited, we are looking for highly motivated and committed candidates ready to start an exciting career in construction. Lake County residents are invited to apply! To learn more or apply contact Deanna (707) 413-0090 or email 

Participants will be required to contribute 15-20 hours a week over a 6-month period in various locations throughout Lake County. During this training and work experience, participants will be compensated $13.00 an hour. Two classes will be offered with the first starting in October 2020 and the second in Spring 2021 (date TBD). The minimum age requirement is 18 years old.

At the end of the program, each graduating participant will receive a letter of recommendation, a certificate of completion, job placement opportunities, and on the job equipment such as boots, hard hats, gloves, basic tools, and safety goggles.

Building Homes, Building Lives (BHBL) continues aiming to help those who are homeless or formerly homeless gain construction and workforce skills to hopefully become employable. Applications have already started rolling in and applicants are being registered with CalJobs for other program possibilities in conjunction with BHBL. Properties are currently being identified with some promising rentals that will be available to our participants after they finish remodeling them. We are looking for highly motivated and committed candidates ready to start an exciting career in construction.

The program will be accepting applications continuously. 

If you have questions call Deanna (707) 413-0090 or email

Building Homes, Building Lives is a collaboration between several different organizations that are devoted to providing housing support and resources in Lake County including - NCO New Digs, Adventist Health Clear Lake, California Workforce Development Board, CareerPoint Lake, Citizens Caring 4 Clearlake, Community Development Services, EDD, Hope City, Hope Rising, Lake County Behavioral Health, Lake County Board of Supervisors, Lake County Continuum of Care for the Homeless (CoC), Lake County Department of Social Services, and Woodland Community College.

[This archive item was originally published on Thursday, August 13, 2020]

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