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We are taking applications for our 2024 Summer Teen Program! Contact for details or for an application.

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Caring Kitchen will be serving appetizers at this fun event. Sign up to join this amazing team of women (and men) who support nonprofits in our community by donating $100 twice per year and voting on where the proceeds go. Three nonprofits will present at the event and the winner with the most votes receives all the donations!

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We spent a beautiful evening celebrating all of Caring Kitchen's wonderful supporters. Many thanks to Yokayo Ranch for hosting, Black Dog Catering for an amazing meal, and Wendy DeWitt for fun music. We would also like to thank Golden Rule Gardens, Mendocino College Ag Garden, and Janice Swanson for produce, Reza's Breadery for foccacia, Princess Seafood for salmon, Mariposa Market for cake, Bonterra, Frey, and Mia Bia for wine, and Hare of the Forest for beer. We couldn't have done it without you!

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