Vendor Procurement Announcement:

Procurement is now Open, the Home Hardening Program is expanding our network of vendors and contractors. We are excited to welcome all the new partners to our team and look forward to collaborating with additional vendors to make our community more fire-resilient.

NCO invites vendors skilled in construction and defensible space to join the California Wildfire Mitigation Program (CWMP) Home Hardening Initiative.  NCO seeks qualified companies and individuals to provide letters of interest.

Click below to view the full Scope of Work and Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ).

Please send questions to or call 707-461-0760. 

Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) & SOW


Sample Letter of Interest

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the most asked questions from vendors reguarding the Home Hardening Program. 

Click below to view the full Scope of Work and Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ).

Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) & SOW

The Home Hardening Program is an initiative aimed at reducing the risk of wildfire damage to homes and communities by implementing proactive measures. This program focuses on enhancing the resilience of structures through defensible space measures and various fire-resistant building materials and retrofits.

Contractors should be keen on this program because it opens opportunities to contribute to community safety and resilience. Additionally, it allows contractors to expand their service offerings to include fire-resistant construction, which is increasingly in demand due to the rising incidence of wildfires. Many of the measures currently used in the program will become permanent building codes and already have throughout many counties in California.

The program includes several measures such as: •Using non-combustible materials for siding, attachments, and other building components. • Eliminate all gaps larger than 1/8" using fire-resistant caulking •Adding ember-resistant vents and mesh. •Upgrading windows and doors to withstand high heat and eliminate ember intrusion.

Defensible space guidelines include: • Clearing dead vegetation and debris within 100 feet of structures. • Maintaining tree spacing and trimming branches to prevent fire spread. • Eliminating all vegetation within 5’ of primary residence & auxiliary buildings • Using hardscaping on vulnerable flame exposure sides of residence

There are specific certifications mandated by the program, contractors/vendors must maintain a current CSLB license, a $25,000 Contractor’s Bond, general liability insurance, workers' compensation, and on they must be Active, Inactive, or N/A status. After the vetting process vendors will sign a master contract with NCO stating they can execute the program's minimum quality standards.

Yes, contractors are encouraged to provide feedback to program administrators. Constructive feedback can be submitted through official channels such as at the local office, email, phone call or during community meetings and walkthroughs. This input is valuable for refining and enhancing the program’s processes and helps improve the impact we have on the community at large.

Yes, contractors can collaborate with multiple vendors, and subcontractors, but they must maintain the same certifications as the contractor in the Home Hardening qualified vendor pool. These partnerships can provide additional resources, create better project turnaround time, and further support contractors to ensure the successful implementation and completion of home hardening measures.

Local building codes play a crucial role by setting minimum standards for fire-resistant construction. The Home Hardening Program goes above and beyond these standards and contractors must ensure that their work complies with the Minimum Quality Standard codes of the California Wildfire Mitigation Program, which includes specific requirements for materials, defensible space, and construction techniques. Staying updated with local code changes is essential for compliance and safety.

Contractors will participate in a final walkthrough at the conclusion of each project. During this time a detailed line by line inspection will take place ensuring the entirety of the scope of work was completed to specification. Vendors should be able to provide detailed warranties, permits and any inspection reports. This documentation helps homeowners with insurance claims, maintaining coverage and future resale of the property.

Contractors and Vendors can get more involved by contacting Lake County’s Home Hardening Team email or by phone (707) 461-0760 Monday-Friday 9-4. Additionally, attending the Home Hardening community Meet ‘n’ Greets and staying updated with the program will provide valuable insights for all of our partners.

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If you have any additional questions please contact us at or call 707-461-0760. 

Official Seal - A Program of NCO