Program Policy Council (PPC) 

What is the Policy Council?

The PPC is a group of Head Start and Early Head Star parent representatives (one from each site, plus alternatives) and community members who help lead and make decisions about their program. Policy Council members are elected by the parents of children enrolled in the program. The PPC meets in person once a month, typically on the second Saturday of the month at our Central Office in Ukiah. Members can serve for one year at a time, and for up to five years. They work closely with the program's management team and governing body to provide overall direction for the program. 

It is the job of the PPC and the NCO Governing Board to see that the Head Start Child Development Program is going in a direction the will help fulfill the purpose

- "to provide children, staff, and families with opportunities to reach their highest potential." 

The PPC does this by: 

  • Bringing ideas about the program from the Parent Committees to its meetings.
  • Reviewing, approving and/or disapproving changes to:
    • The Program Planning Process
    • The Strategic Plan (Goals and Objectives) 
    • The Recruitment and Enrollment Plans
    • Funding Applications 
    • The Annual Self-Assessment
    • ....and more!

If you are interested in becoming a PPC Representative, contact your Family Support Specialist! 

Official Seal - A Program of NCO