Training & Workshops

NCO's Rural Communities Child Care program offers a wide range of training for child care providers & parents, including diverse workshops and quality certification programs designed to support families.

The training calendar is updated and released monthly so keep a lookout for new and upcoming trainings!

March Trainings 2025

*This month we are hosting Preventative Health & Safety, Child Care Fundamentals Training Series, and Provider Chats for our Lake & Mendocino Providers. Trainings will be offered in English & Spanish. 

Download English - March Training Schedule

Download Spanish - March Training Schedule

For more information about upcoming trainings or to register, please view the registration details on the flyer or contact Shana Pruett at (707) 263-4688 ext. 414 or email for English and/or Sulema at (707) 263-4688 ext. 401 or email for Spanish trainings.


California Early Care and Education Workforce Registry(ECE)

RCCC provides incentives for attendance & participation in our trainings. To catalog attendance, we recommend providers receive a California Early Care and Education (ECE) Workforce Registry number. By having an ECE number you can electronically store your education, training, and professional growth accomplishments, and sign up for upcoming trainings. For more information, view the ECE Workforce Registry pamphlet, or to sign up visit the ECE Registry website.

Sign Up for Your ECE Registry Number

Trainings are subject to change at any moment. Follow us on Facebook at NCO-RCCC for the most current updates and information. 

NCO RCCC trainings are funded by the California Department of Social Services Child Care and Development Division.

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