Providing Support to volunteers and programs since 1973

The Volunteer Network creates opportunities for people of all ages to volunteer, learn, and lead in their communities. We strive to provide volunteers with high-quality experiences that fuel further action, and we envision a day when everyone is inspired and equipped to be the change they wish to see in the world. Volunteers are active in the sheriff’s office, city and county administrative offices, senior centers, the animal shelter, food banks, and all branches of the county libraries. Mendocino County also supports Community Emergency Response Training (CERT) and the formation of volunteer CERT teams to assist emergency responders in the event of a local disaster. 


Meet the team committed to creating a great volunteer experience!

Project Manager- Yvett Reeve | (707) 462-1959

Project Assistant - Karen Aguirre |  (707) 621-8669 or (707) 467-3200 x316

Project Coordinator - Lenore Flanders | Mendocino County  |  (707) 621-8669 or (707) 467-3200 x239

Project Coordinator - Kristy Evansizer | Humboldt County | (707) 502-2566

Project Coordinator - Dennis Burke | Lake County | (707) 998-8643

Project Coordinator - Robert Norgrove | Lake County

Project Coordinator - Kaitlynn Young | Sonoma County (707) 620-5063

Official Seal - A Program of NCO