Team Lake County (TLC), Lake County’s officially recognized Long Term Recovery Group, has requested the services of World Renew to determine the full scope of the remaining rebuild and assistance needs following the 2015 fires in Lake county. A national disaster recovery group, World Renew will send volunteers to conduct one-on-one interviews with fire survivors this month. The assessment process will help prioritize individual needs and connect survivors with TLC for long-term recovery support through detailed, individual case management to identify and meet financial, construction, health, spiritual, and emotional needs.

Fire survivors who still have unmet needs after working with their insurance company and FEMA are encouraged to meet with World Renew at the Middletown Community Meeting Room, 21256 Washington Street, from January 20 -26 and January 29 -February 5 from 9AM – 6PM every day.

World Renew volunteers will be visiting with residents staying at Konocti Harbor Inn on January 27 from 9AM-6PM, and mobile home parks hosting FEMA MHU’s in Clearlake and Clearlake Oaks on January 28 from 9AM-6PM.

Interviews will be conducted by a team of compassionate and trained World Renew volunteers, and all information will be kept confidential and used only by case managers to help residents connect with available resources. Interview questions will be straightforward and should not require residents to supply any paperwork. If fire survivors do have a FEMA number, they are asked to bring that with them to the interview. Spanish language interpreters or other special needs will be available as needed or requested.

The assessment information will help to determine a detailed estimate of the total cost of comprehensive, long-term recovery for Lake County, including costs to rebuild homes, replace lost items, and so on. TLC will then develop a disaster recovery plan to assist in the development of programs to target the most significant needs. The plan will take available fire relief funds into account, and will leverage a vast network of local and national partners active in disaster recovery.

TLC is accepting donations now to assist in the long term recovery process for Lake County. Donations can be made by sending checks to:
Team Lake County Fire Recovery
413 N. State Street
Ukiah, CA 95482

For more information, visit or contact

[This archive item was originally published on Tuesday, January 19, 2016]

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