UPDATE 8/11/2021: Funding is currently limited for all regions in Mendocino County, and our waitlist is long. We encourage applicants to also apply for rental and utility assistance through the Housing is Key program at housing.ca.gov. For assistance with the Housing is Key application, please call the NCO mainline at 707-467-3200 to make an appointment with a bilingual case manager.

ACTUALIZACIÓN 8/11/2021: Los fondos que tenemos para todas las regiones del Condade de Mendocino son limitados y nuestra lista de espera es larga. Recomendamos a los solicitantes a que también soliciten asistencia de parte del estado de California través del programa Housing is Key en housing.ca.gov. Para obtener ayuda con la solicitud de Housing is Key, llame a la línea principal de NCO al 707-467-3200 para hacer una cita con un administrador de casos bilingüe.

North Coast Opportunities (NCO) is pleased to announce an expansion of opportunities to support those adversely affected by the current pandemic. Initially NCO was only serving inland Mendocino County, due to funding restrictions. Now, thanks to a modified grant award from The Community Foundation of Mendocino County, NCO is able to open this relief program to residents throughout the county, including coastal regions.

At the core of this response is the mission of NCO as one of the Community Action Agencies on the Northern Coast of California. NCO strives to strengthen the communities it represents through responsive advocacy, engagement and services. Specifically, by providing assistance and support to those who are most vulnerable and living with low-incomes. North Coast Opportunities relies on its years of experience connecting people with needed resources to help families and individuals during hard times.

NCO’s crisis response, ‘People Helping People’, is designed to help those in our community who are most vulnerable at this time. NCO hopes this program will fill the gaps for those who:

  1. do not qualify for unemployment (for any reason, including immigration status);
  2. do not qualify for federal stimulus packages; 
  3. may have been laid off and are not able to produce income;
  4. are experiencing food or housing crises as a direct result of COVID-19.

Through a partnership with The Community Foundation of Mendocino County, NCO has received grant funding for immediate relief for individuals and families impacted by the pandemic.  Megan Barber Allende, CEO of the Community Foundation of Mendocino County explains the intent of this grant; “We created the COVID-19 Relief Fund because there are families who need help now. They need immediate assistance to keep the lights on, gas in the car, food on the table, and a roof over their heads.”

NCO will distribute immediate relief funding granted by The Community Foundation of Mendocino County’s COVID-19 Relief Fund to eligible residents throughout Mendocino County. To meet eligibility requirements for this financial support, a member of a household must first apply by phone, (707) 621-8817 or online. Only those who can demonstrate an essential need and demonstrate eligibility will qualify. After an application is completed, NCO staff will follow up to determine eligibility (only one application is allowed per household).

Disbursements will continue on a weekly basis until funds are exhausted. Other emergency aid, not connected to the Community Foundation’s grant will be disbursed as soon as it can be made available.

NCO’s Executive Director Patty Bruder shares her feelings for making sure NCO is ready to distribute support for the community; “We know that donors who have given to The Community Foundation’s COVID-19 Relief Fund, our NCO staff, and volunteers all care for the people in their communities, with this response, we are connecting people with people in those communities who need assistance. Financial support is not the only way that NCO can reach out and help, we have a number of ways to help.”

Community members who may not qualify for COVID-19 immediate relief funding from the Community Foundation grant (such as Lake County Residents), may qualify for other support from NCO. Including (but not limited to):

  • weekly meals provided by volunteers for those who have critical health needs from Caring Kitchen (for inland Mendocino County);
  • caregiver emergency relief financial aid or respite support from NCOs Redwood Caregiver Resource Centers;
  • fresh fruit, vegetables, and staples delivered by MendoLake Food Hub;
  • connection to a local community garden to be able to grow food independently;
  • Farmers Market Match with CALFresh benefits;
  • support provided by volunteers from NCO Volunteer Network;
  • connection with other applicable resources.

To apply for NCO’s People Helping People crisis response program, interested individuals should apply online or call (707) 621-8817 with questions. Questions can also be sent to mendorecovery@gmail.com.

NCO is the Community Action Agency that serves Lake and Mendocino Counties, as well as parts of Humboldt, Sonoma, Del Norte, and Solano Counties. NCO reacts and adjusts to community needs, including disaster response and recovery.  

For more information visit www.ncoinc.org or call (707) 467-3200.  

[This archive item was originally published on Thursday, May 21, 2020]

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