Yokayo Elementary School has a new principal this year. Dana Milani, who has been teaching 5th grade at Yokayo for a number of years, is now the principal. When a new principal is assigned, it’s uncertain as to whether or not she will be open to the Foster Grandparent Program. Mrs. Milani enthusiastically welcomed Luz Belarmino, Becky Whiteman and Pat Hoenig. This principal saw the value of supporting her teachers and students by offering Foster Grandparent volunteers to mentor, tutor and encourage children. Luz taught school in the Philippines for 28 years and is now mentoring the children in Mrs. Rush’s Kindergarten class. Becky Whiteman has young grandchildren and is using all she learns working with the children in Mrs. Anderson’s 1st grade class with her grandchildren. Pat Hoenig was volunteering with the Senior Companion Program until it ended. She wanted to continue giving of her time and talents so she decided to try the Foster Grandparent Program. She loves the excitement and energy the children have. The teachers are thankful to have another adult working with their students. One little girl who is particularly difficult in class wrote a note to Grandma Pat that said, “I love you.” All of the Foster Grandparents agree that they love what they are doing and the time just flies by.
Pinoleville Head Start has a new Foster Grandparent also. Sherry Lincoln is a retired LVN and has a grandchild attending Pinoleville Head Start. As she observed her grandchild in this active, interesting and entertaining classroom, she decided to get involved as a Foster Grandma. Jennifer McGowan says that Sherry fits right in and is making a difference already with the children and working well with the teachers. Nancy Williams, Anna Rodriguez and Christine Hamilton (recently retired) have taught the Pomo Language, Native Dance, Drumming and many other aspects of the Pomo Culture as well as tutoring, mentoring and nurturing these young children.
[This archive item was originally published on Thursday, November 14, 2013]